Professor Dr Hui Tong Chua
FIEAust, FIChemE
Hui Tong is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Western Australia. He is a Non-Executive Director elected on 7 January 2020. Hui Tong’s professional interests cover geothermal desalination and geothermal heating and cooling applications. From 2009 to 2011, he was the Above-Ground Engineering Programme Leader of the Western Australian Geothermal Centre of Excellence.
In 2019, together with Development WA, he was the winner of the AIRAH HVAC&R Research Excellence Award for their Cool Earth Project at The Vive, Craigie. Hui Tong also works on other emission reducing technologies. One of his key research achievements is the successful spinning off of his catalytic methane cracking technology, now known as the Hazer Process, as Hazer Group Ltd. which raised A$5 million in their initial public offering on the ASX in November 2015. Hui Tong is one of the original inventors and additional information providers of the Hazar technology.